Breakout Sessions

Still Competent to Counsel: The Pastor, the Word, and the New Therapeutic Age

Josh Blount

Therapy, mental health, trauma, wellness, self-care - this kind of language increasingly marks our understanding of who we are and what we need to flourish. Where does a pastor, called to build a culture of biblical hope and change by ministering the Word of God to the people of God, fit in this landscape? This breakout will explore cultural roots to this present (re)rise of therapeutic language and identity, equipping and encouraging pastors that the Word of God is still sufficient for gospel ministry in a therapeutic age.

A Glorious Vision for God Centered Homes

Brian Chesemore (& panel to follow teaching)

It is in the context of the Christian family, in very ordinary homes, that redeemed fathers and mothers hold out the one vision that is life-giving and soul-satisfying. Consider with us the joy and glory of building a God-centered home that impacts generations to come.

The Role of an Evangelist

Jim Donohue

Evangelism is one of the most challenging areas for our churches and evangelists can be some of the most challenging people to deal with. But these evangelists are called and gifted by God to help our churches grow in reaching the lost. This seminar will explore this important biblical role and how to deploy them effectively to reach the lost.

Putting God’s Word to Work: The Task of Application in Preaching

Jeff Purswell

While the idea of “application in preaching” seems straightforward enough, it is actually fraught with complexities. Does the Holy Spirit apply God’s Word, or do we?  Is our application imposing our preferences upon God’s Word, or is application part of truly understanding it?  If application is indeed our task as preachers, then how do we do it without being arbitrary?  Or worse, legalistic?  How many applications are there?  And how does the gospel fit into all this?  In this seminar, we will explore such questions and seek to become more effective at bringing God’s Word to bear upon our listeners’ lives, in order that the Word might have its intended effect upon their lives—all for the glory of Christ.

Women’s Breakout: The Virtue of Godly Submission 

Betsy Ricucci

What springs to your mind when you hear the word “submission”? In our day, it is a concept misunderstood, misapplied, and much maligned. However, that is not God’s perspective of a virtue and command He Himself designed for our good and His glory! In a world in which womanhood is awash in confusion and chaos, 1 Peter 3:1-6 offers us powerful and life changing wisdom, clarity, hope, and help.